RAE Reports
School Tour Report
This research was enabled by the Joint Muslim committee. (JMC) a voluntary body formed by local Shekihs and Imams within the counties of Nawaningi and Bulamagi in Iganga district. They offered me an in-house sheikh that took me to the schools and highlighted the various issues they have been facing in their counties. The committee was put together by Abdul Kadir, also chairman of PTA Bukoyo, and Sheikh Kitamirike who accompanied me alongside Bahaya Ahmad Ndifuna.
Kakure Primary School; Status Report as at 20th May 2022
This report entails brief background of Kakure Primary School; the school Profile, the status of the school as at 20th May 2022, Achievements, challenges and strategies for financing the school plan.
Report of a scoping study commissioned by the Research and education agency to identify Possible secondary schools to serve as pilot Digital learning centres/schools
The purpose of this report is to help guide and identify possible Secondary Schools for consideration as Pilot Digital Learning Centres/Schools.
Report on the three days retooling exercise held at Adipala High School
The training was necessary to change teachers so as to improve on the education status in Kalaki and Kaberamaido districts by developing measures of how to retain learners in school especially the girl child and ensure they reach higher institutions of learning
Annual 2023 Report
The Research and Education Agency (RAE, www.rae.co.ug) is a Non-Governmental Organisation operating in Uganda to support efforts to improve livelihoods of rural communities by enhancing access to basic education, agricultural technologies, drinking water and basic health services. RAE specifically focusses on working with marginalised and underserved rural communities to foster inclusive rural development through improved access to development opportunities. In August 2023, RAE transformed into a Non-Governmental Organisation still with the same aspirations but with a vision to expand operations beyond Uganda. This Report provides a synopsis of actions taken during 2023, which aimed to consolidate on delivery of previous efforts and to provide strategic direction for activities to be undertaken during the period 2024-2030 (link).