Dr. Damalie Akwango holds a PhD in Agricultural Rural Innovations from Makerere University Kampala and Masters Degree in Social Development and Sustainable Livelihoods from Reading University, United Kingdom. She is currently working as a Principal Research Officer incharge of Monitoring and Evaluation at the National Agricultural Research Organizaion (NARO) secretariat, Entebbe, Uganda. Her present work involves, Monitoring and Evaluating research programmes in the Sixteen Public Agricultural Research insitutes in Uganda with focus on results, outcomes and impact. In addition she supports the resource Mobilisation, Proposal Development; and partnership building within the organisation. Damalie is a committee member for NARO Budget Committee, Project Review Committee, task force member of various assignments and founding board member for Family Health Initiative.
Damalie is currently a team member in the development of the Uganda National Climate Smart Agriculure Transformation Project. Damalie has provided leadership in the implementation of the DFID-LPP Project on Strengthening the contribution of women on Livestock production in Eastern Uganda, provided leadership in the conduct of Impact Assessment for ARTP2 (agricultural research and training project), conducted Impact Asessessment for the Client Orniented Agriculural Research and Development Project (COARD-DIFD project), developed community based food security early warning systems for Karamoja and Teso farming systems. Damaalie is conducting her Post Doctoral research on Unlocking the potetnial of the Uganda National Intergrated Early Warning Systems (UNIEWS) in reducing the impacts of disasters in Uganda funded by RUFORUM.
Damalie has experience in conducting agriculural research and development, coordination of partners and development of monitoring and evaluation systems, designing research and rural intervention strategies. In addition she has specialised skills and experience in Rural development, Gender, food security and Climate Change and Adaptation.
Damalie Akwango-Aliau (Ph.D.)
P.O. Box, 295 Entebbe, Uganda
Telephone: +256-772530600
E-mail: dakwango@gmail.com